
Why choosing a “Plan B” option over Postponing or cancelling your Wedding might be a better choice.

Wedding couples all over the world are faced with having to make difficult decisions due to the uncertainty that cv19 presents.  In this blog we offer up what we believe are Top Tips to help you make realistic decisions and more importantly decisions that will put your mind at rest. Here at, we are focused on how to best help our wedding couples during this pandemic. For now, we believe that working on a six week timeline is the best approach and rather than be forced into postponing, rescheduling or even cancelling why not simply look at choosing “PLAN B” date.

*Note: We understand that every couples circumstances are different, so  the plan b might not apply to all. But if you are keen to keep your original date, then PLAN B is for you. Read more…………

Why Plan B is better?

The Plan B option will allow you hold your current date and choose a new one as a back-up plan. Your venue and suppliers will work with you on this. But remember, try to stick to a realistic timeline. For example, if you are getting married in late June early July and its now April, then you should start to think about looking at a “PLAN B” date. If you are getting married in August, September, October and it’s only April or May, then best option is to hold off and review everything come June.

Plan B will also allow you to monitor the changes that are made by governments across the Globe. The truth is that none of us know when restrictions will be lifted, but what if and it’s a “what if” The Irish government announce in late May that all June and weddings beyond can now go ahead…. Well,  by choosing Plan B over postponing might have been the best choice for you.

Checking Venue & Suppliers Availability & Why off peak midweek weddings are best option

Every venue and supplier will have different terms & Conditions. But in the event restrictions are lifted and you have kept your date in place, then everything goes to plan. By choosing Plan B or postponing there is no doubt that there will be some some pitfalls, but these pitfalls can be avoided.

How can I avoid pitfalls? Do not rule out looking at off peak months and midweek dates. No one will ever remind you what day your wedding was, nor will they remember, but they will always remind you about how great your wedding was… And what makes a great Wedding? Food, entertainment and your “A team” of premium wedding suppliers that you have already booked. So hold on to your Venue and wedding suppliers by not ruling out having your wedding on an off peak month or midweek date. Your venue and suppliers can guide you further on the benefits of making such a great decision.

We hope you found this short blog helpful. On a funny note, if we tried to purchase a crystal ball on Amazon they are probably all sold out. 😍 We would all love to know what lies ahead for sure. But for now we all work together to ensure we stay healthy, stay safe and take care of the most vulnerable in our society. Your Wedding will happen, even if you have to resolve to plan B date and no doubt it’s going to be some party.

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Lots of Love from all the Team @

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